Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Thought the "Breakthrough" Would Come Today, But...

I delayed writing my blog yesterday with the eroneous belief that my breakthrough to 199.9 (or less) would come today, but alas - my body has other plans.

Let's put it this way: My body and I are in a duel-to-the-death regarding the last few pounds to my goal. It's a veritable tug-o-war with me pulling the rope with all my might, with the little red flag dangling inches from the finish line... with the evil "not-so-fast-mister-weight-loss-guy" forces pulling back.

So here I am... with just 3 days to go... stuck.

How far away am I? Less than ONE POUND with today's weigh-in registering at 200.9!

So I have a plan...

I'm going to the one place where the evil "stay-fat" forces can't find me. No, not the gym - they know I go there on a regular basis now! Instead, I'm going to the steam room at the gym. And then what am I going to do?

Nothing. As Satchel Paige once said, "Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits." Well, sometimes I workout and sweats... but sometimes I just sweats.

No, I'm not going to the gym to run.
No, I'm not going to the gym to lift.
Yes, I'm going to the gym and simply sit in a hot room and... SWEAT.

Is this cheating? Make no mistake: when this started I said I would do whatever it takes to get under 200 pounds - and I meant it (short of physical amputation, of course, though I did entertain it on several occasions!)

And if this is what it takes, so be it.

Photos on Tuesday! See you then!

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