Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year's Gift (for Us All)

(Note: This blog may be a little longer than usual, but you'll thank us for it... we promise).

Andrea and I would like to take this time (and space) to accomplish three things:

  1. Say "thanks" to everyone for your support
  2. Share our hope for you in this New Year (and beyond)
  3. Do a movie review (yes, a movie review!)
First, thank you. And not just for following this little weight loss blog (face it, in the big scheme of things, how many pounds of organic material can currently be found "inside" Richard Fenton's skin and how much can be located "outside" of it is not stuff of supreme import considering the state of world affairs. But, 'thank you' nonetheless. Your support has been (and is) greatly appreciated (and for those of you who do care, the scale currently reads 204.8!)

Second, we hope this blog finds you as healthy and happy as we are. Actually, that's not accurate - because we are not merely happy on this New Year's Day... we are blissful. And bliss isn't easy to achieve.

How does one achieve bliss? Well, the answer is rather ironic.

The great mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote what many believe to be the three most important words to fall from a human tongue. And those words were: "Follow Your Bliss."

So the answer to the question, "How does one find bliss?" is to simply follow your bliss (we warned you the answer was ironic).

For Andrea and I the answer is to be together (for those of you who do not know us well, we are the original 24/7 couple - we spend every minute of every day together and still don't find it to be quite enough!) and to do meaningful work you love. Speaking and writing isn't simply a means of creating income for us, it's our passion!

And the result is true bliss.

So if you hate your life, find a way to live a different one. Yes, there is a price to be paid for making any change - sometimes a steep one - but trust us, bliss isn't cheap, but it's worth any price you'll have to pay.

Finally, the movie review!

Last night, on New Year's Eve, we ventured out in the cold and rain to see what we believe to be one of the most wonderful (and important) movies you will ever see. More directly, if you see this movie and it doesn't move you, go to a therapist immediately and have yourself checked out!
The movie is called Slumdog Millionaire. If you haven't heard anyone mention it before now, don't worry - you will.

  • The Los Angeles Times called it "the best audience picture of 2008."
  • USA Today gave it "4 out of 4 stars."
  • The Chicago Sun Times said it was "a phenomenon... miraculous"
  • The Wall Street Journal said "There's never been anything like this... groundbreaking... damned near earth-shaking."
And, to our mind, none of the above does justice to just how AMAZING this movie is.

We share this movie recommendation with you not because we think you'll be entertained (though you will be) but because of what the Village Voice said when it declared that Slumdog Millionaire "will send you out of the theatre feeling like a winner."

Question: When was the last time you went to a movie and, when it was over, nobody moved? And we don't mean that everyone sat through the credits (which they did) but that they literally... didn't... move! As... in... not... a... single... muscle!

Why? Probably for the same reason we didn't move - out of fear that even the slightest twitch might break the spell and end what was two hours of pure movie (and storytelling) magic. And when people did finally move it was to break into wild, spontaneous applause.

(No, we're not getting paid for this review.)

Now, we're not going to say anything about the plot of the film - to tell you more would be to spoil the experience. But be warned...
  • This movie will make you squirm.
  • This movie will make you ache.
  • This movie will make you uncomfortable.
  • This movie will make you angry.
  • This movie will make you laugh.
  • This movie will make you cry.
  • This movie will make you wonder why you are ever unhappy, even for a minute... reaffirm all that is important in life... and remind you about what you've always known but somehow have forgotten.
And it will make you grateful for every... single... thing... you... own - right down to your shoes, literally.

What more could any of us ask from a film... or from life?


Unknown said...

Congrats on your bliss and continual progress towards your weight-loss goal! For some reason, Slumdog Millionaire wasn't on my radar screen but your review certainly put it there. I look forward to seeing it.

me said...

Uncomfortable? Not me, grew up in Africa, my best friends were of Indian descent. I loved this movie, just finished watching actually!

It was inspiring. I mean seriously made me so grateful for what I have! I had so many thoughts as I watched it. What I came away with is no one can define who I am to be but me. How I choose to respond to what I may term adversity or good fortune is my choice to make and that is the only choice I have in the matter.

Also imprinted in my mind is the how everything really does prepare one for the momment that is now. Truly we may not be able to make sense of it, but wow! if it weren't for life experience he wouldn't have been the slumdog millionaire now would he?

Talk about going for no! Nice payout out at the end huh!

BTW congrats on reaching your goal!
I have one for 20pds! 2009 just keeps getting better!