Sunday, January 11, 2009

To Quote George W. Bush... "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!"

100 days ago (October 5, 2008) I created a "clearly crystallized vision" of stepping on the scale on January 12... looking down... and seeing my weight at 199.5. Well, I missed.
Because on Day 98 I hit... 199.3!
Yes. It. Feels. Good.
No, that's an understatement... it feels FANTASTIC!

Here are the final "before and after" photos (Day 1, Oct. 5, 2008 and Day 98, Jan. 10, 2009)...

To celebrate I've decided to summarize my experience with a final blog (finals for this topic, at least I hope!) with a list of the "100 Things I Learned in the last 100 Days" blog, which will appear on Tuesday. In the meantime...
Thank you, one and all, for your uniformly 'kind words' and 'amazing support' - I could not have done this alone.
See you Tuesday!


Unknown said...

Congratulations Rich! I've enjoyed reading about your journey and it's inspired me to carry through on some major resolutions I've made.

Richard said...

Thank you, Patrick!

Arathi said...

Congratulations on a well accomplished journey. Enjoy the benefits and keep it up. Your journey is one that many will look up to. In making yourself a better person, you have impacted other positively as well. Congrats again!