Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Election Day, and I Cast My Vote for...

As I sit here on Monday night, Election Day is just hours away. The day we'll all be casting one of the most important votes of our lives.

So, who am I going to vote for? Simple: I'm going to vote for... me!

Not for president, of course - I have too thin a skin for the kind of public scrutiny a presidential candidate must face... and too many skeletons in my closet to ever get past the vetting process (I've never inhaled, but I'm sure there are other things the American electorate would find objectionable!)

No. When I say I'm voting for me I mean, I'm voting for myself to win in life.

All too often in life we find ourselves spending all of our mental and physical energy in support of other's wants, needs, goals and dreams. And we forget to support ourselves.

Some call this being selfish. In the purest sense of the definition, focusing on yourself is self-ish. But a certain amount of self-ish-ness is required if you're going to be able to support others.

  • You must have the funds to support yourself before you can support your family
  • You must be able to carry your own weight before you can carry your brother (or sister)
  • You must build your own road to success before you can create a path for followers
So, after I exercise my right to vote for the president (no, I'm not telling who for, but those who know me well can probably guess) I'm going to cast the other most important vote of the day... the vote we all too often forget to cast. The one for ourselves.

So tomorrow I'm going to pull an "Acorn" and vote twice. And the second vote has my name written all over it!

(Note: For those who are following my 100 Day Body Transformation Challenge, I'll share the Day 35 numbers and photos on Friday... and it's v-e-r-y g-o-o-o-o-o-o-d!)

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