Monday, November 10, 2008

People Have Started to Ask, "What Program Are You On?"

Now that I'm one third of the way done and have got people's attention, having lost 20.5 pounds in 36 days (dropped another this weekend, despite having spent Saturday night at a dinner party at the home of our good friend Shawna Schuh and her husband Don, who did all the cooking!). So, people have started to ask, "What program are you on?"

The answer is: My program.

No, I am not the author of a diet book. No, I am not a dietitian. But I don't have to be!

Come on, let's face it - we all know what we're supposed to eat and not eat. We already know that peanut butter cups are not one of the four basic food groups! And we all know that exercise is good for us! So do we really need a doctor from Palm Beach to charge us $25 to tell us what we already know?

Of course not. But for some reason we tend to do it anyway.

What we really need, of course, is someone to kick us in the @$$ and make us do what what we already know we're supposed to be doing. Eating good food. Avoiding crap. And as Richard Simmons would advise... "sweatin' to the oldies."

So I hired a professional @$$k!cker to keep me on track. In this case, it's the person most vested in my success. And that person is...


So, when I say this is my program, I mean it. Because this time I dodn't go looking for the answer "out there" somewhere. I looked within. And this time around the Palm Beach doctor didn't get my hard earned cash - instead, I used it to buy a refrigerator full of lettuce and carrots. This time I'm doing what I already know I need to do... with an emphasis on doing.

So whatever your challenge, be it weight loss or writing a book or selling up a storm... when are you getting on your program?

Because maybe - just maybe - it's time to kick your own butt alittle.

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