Friday, November 28, 2008

Nothing Tastes as Good as Thin Feels

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? I hope so. I know I did, and it wasn't because of the feast I enjoyed. It was because of the feast I avoided.

As I said in my previous blog, you may have calories to spare and spend as you wish - I do not. An 8,000 calorie meal would set me back a week.

So yesterday I ate exactly what I said I would... just under 1,900 calories (though we didn't exercise as it was very cold out and the gym was closed) and was rewarded by seeing "212.5" on the scale.

That's 26 pounds off my 5'8" frame in 54 days... including T-H-A-N-K-S-G-I-V-I-N-G!

Listen... on Thanksgiving's Past I told myself I was going to eat less... and then stuffed myself more than we stuffed the turkey. So what's the difference?

Commitment. I... am.... totally... and... completely... commited.

On Thanksgiving's Past I ate anything and everything I wanted with the rationalization of, "Hey, I've worked hard, I deserve to gorge and splurge!"

This Thanksgiving I ate just a fraction of what I have in the past... and for the very same reason: because I deserved it.

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