Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Christmas Ham is Calling My Name

Everyone knows I'm a BIG steak lover. But what you don't know is how much I look forward to Christmas Day, and for multiple reasons, the least of which being... THE CHRISTMAS HAM!

Yes, some people eat turkey for both Thanksgiving and Christmas... others prefer Christmas lamb or roast. I've never understood this, because I'm a ham guy all the way.

The problem, in terms of my current pursuit of 199.9, isn't that I love ham... because ham (eaten in moderation) isn't going to destroy my progress. It's all the other stuff that goes with the ham that I don't seem to be able to eat in moderation. So, to paraphrase Shakespeare...

To ham or not to ham... THAT is the question!

Shall I risk the slings (honey mustard and cranberry sauce) and arrows (potatoes, gravy, and dressing) of outrageous caloric fortune and indulge my desires in King's plate o' plenty? Or should I restrain myself and nibble my way through a peasant's plate of nuts, berries, bark, and other barely edible fare found foraging in nature?

I'm sure you think the answer is obvious: simply eat a smaller portion of the good stuff!

But, lest you forgetteth (keeping with the Shakespearean theme), I tend not be a man of moderation. And here's the problem...

I weighed in this morning at 206.0... just 6.1 pounds from my goal of breaking 200 for the first time in over a decade... with just 20 days to go! And, when you do the math, that means I need to lose 1/3 of a pound every day from now until Jan. 12... and that's baring another plateau! And hitting a plateau is a distinct possibility; after all, I've endured 3-4 such 'plateaus' during this challenge already... some lasting for 7-10 days!

So Christmas dinner is out of the question. I simply can NOT take the chance.

Because "Christmas" this year is coming on January 13, 2009... and I see a package under the tree with my name on it... and it isn't a ham.

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