Monday, December 15, 2008

In the "Home Stretch"... the Final 4 Weeks!

Here I am, 28 days and counting until the end of my 100 Day Challenge... or is it really the beginning?

After my 4-day fruit and vegetable 'fast' during which I did cheat a few times, allowing myself a little fish, rice and granola, I weighed in this morning at 208.5... down just a few ounces shy of 30 pounds in 72 days... and just 9 pounds away from my goal of getting under 200 for the first time in over a decade!

What's interesting is that, while there is part of me that is scheming about my first "free meal" after the High Performers workshop on January 22, I also find myself thinking about doing another 100 Day Challenge, this time focuses on muscle gain. Because, when I get really honest with myself...
  1. Even at 199 I'll still be a long way (30 pounds, probably) from my 'ideal' weight as shown on the charts, and...
  2. Arnold lokks pretty good for an 'Aging Austrian', and...
  3. I think I'm getting addicted to the feeling of being in control of my eating and my physical destiny
So, maybe this isn't the end at all. As Zig Ziglar would say, maybe I'm just getting good started.

Can someone be addicted to the feeling of having fewer addictions?

I think yes.

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