Friday, October 17, 2008

12 Pounds in 12 Days! And I'm Just Getting Started!

This is the second time in my life that I've experienced a 12 pound weight-change over a 12 day period. Unfortunately, the other time I gained 12 pounds! (I'm not kidding - it was a vacation in Cancun... and Andrea is my witness!)

I started this odyssey tipping the scale at 238.5 and (to my scale's relief) climbed on today at only 226.5!. And while I'm not starving myself, I am exercising like a mad fool. And I hurt in places I didn't know I had - the 40-minute "Cardio-blast" class we've been taking at lunchtime will do that to you!

But I've also learned to "love-the-hurt"... know what I mean?

"Loving the hurt" means doing something "painful" (in my case, diet and exercise) and having that pain be a constant reminder that... while it hurts now... it's going to make you stronger later.

Of course, this applies to things other than diet and exercise. Telling someone you're sorry about something you said or did "hurts". But after the hurt passes (and it always does) you find yourself better for it.

So, why not make it a goal to "hurt" a little this weekend... WITHOUT BREAKING ANYTHING (and please don't sue me if you do!) All I'm suggesting is that growth requires discomfort... something Andrea and I will talk about a lot in our January workshop. So make a pledge to get out of your "comfort zone" over the next 48 hours.

Then love the hurt!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hang in there Rich! It's inspiring to read your blog and see your commitment. I know you can make this dream happen.
