Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 17 - One Sixth of the Way There!

It doesn't feel like 16 days have past (this being the morning of day 17 on my 100 Day Challenge)... it feels more like 16 years! But not for the reason you think.

It's not because it's been a struggle and time has been moving s-l-o-w-l-y. It's because I've seen the future... a thin, happy, active future... and I can't wait for it to come!

Today I tipped the scale at 224... down an amazing 14.5 pounds in 16 days.

Now I KNOW there are some of you out there who must STILL THINK that I'm fasting or running myself into the ground. I swear, I'm not (just ask Mike & Lisa who will attest that I'm eating normally.) All I've done is to cut the "crap" out of my diet and my life.

- When given the choice between ice cream and carrots, I choose to be a "rabbit" rather than a ravenous "wolf".
- When give the choice between staying prone on the sofa or going to the gym, I choose to be a "lifter" rather than a "layer".
- When given the choice between saying yes or no to my immediate desires, I choose to "stay on track" rather than "derailing my progress".

And that will be a major topic during our January workshop: CHOICES.

Life is filled with choices. And every choice we make in life... EVERY CHOICE... either brings us closer to our goals, or takes us further away. Period. There are no "neutral" choices either. It's one or the other (we'll explain this in the workshop, too.)

Friday marks Day 20... and to celebrate I'll post my first "progress picture" on the blog. And even if you can't see much in the photo, my scale (and my heart) can feel the difference already.

So, until Friday, wish me luck - although, when you discover the discipline to make the right choices on a minute-by-minute basis, "luck" really isn't necessary, is it?

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