Monday, October 13, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

Okay, so "mission accomplished" might be a bit premature (like 92 days pre-mature, since I'm only 8 days into my 100 day challenge) but in terms of the immediate mission - staying strong and focused during our dinner with Mike & Lisa - I did good!

As I mentioned in my Friday blog, Lisa is an AMAZING cook... and Mike can pour wine with the best of them! So I was a little bit nervous that I would fall into my old eating habits and let loose.

But I didn't.

How? By keeping my motivating "reasons" in mind at all times and constantly repeating the mantra, "Nothing tastes as good as success is going to feel!" (sorry, Lisa).

And the proof is the pudding (don't worry, I'm not tempted by pudding). Because today's weigh-in put me at 229.0! That's -9.5 pounds after 8 days! Even better was my my reduction in Body Fat %, which dropped 2.2%!

You see, I'm not out to "lose a few pounds" here... I'm seeking a total physical T-R-A-N-S-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N-! And transformation requires P-R-O-C-E-S-S. This is the process Andrea and I are going to teach in the January workshop... a "process" by which anyone can achieve breakthrough performance in ANY AREA of their life.

See you on Friday (and in 18 more days I'll let you see me when I post photos from my 25 day weigh in!)

1 comment:

HC said...

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels - and you'll really love putting on your "goal achieved outfit." I predict a smokin' hot Rich in just 92 more days (or sooner!).

Go you!

Your #2 Fan